When I started this blog, I wanted it to be about not just our house projects but our life. The design of my blog header has my family picture in it because FAMILY is a huge part of my life. But as time has passed, I find that unless it’s a project or craft that’s related to our home, it’s much harder to write about. I wonder will my audience want to even know this or that. Will they even care? I have enjoyed building an audience so the last thing I want to do is scare people off by sharing something about our lives. In fact, one of my first blog posts where I got a little personal was not that long ago. The fact of the matter is that we like it when people are real with us. It proves that they are just like us. When I close this laptop, I’m the same trying-to-find-a-balance, house is never perfect, when-will-the-madness-ever-end woman that you are. Aren’t you? If not, then just flatter me why don’t you.
So, I’m making a change starting today. I will write about what I feel and what inspires me, rather than being overly concerned with the perfect subject and pictures. In addition, I will write what I feel and will do my best to not compare myself to others accomplishments. That may mean more posts about the most uncomfortable and complicated pregnancy ever or about my work-life balance,working from home with my husband and our toddler. These subjects surround us everyday and are REAL. I’m hopeful that as I continue to share more with you that you’ll feel inspired as well. Inspired not just by the latest project I’ve completed but by me, the real me. In making this change (or just doing what I originally set out to do) I feel that I will be able to write more for you. So expect, more posts about the real Hollidays’ at home and what makes us unique. You won’t be disappointed.
Have you missed me and will you join me on this evolving journey? I surely hope so.