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One Room Challenge: Master Bedroom Reveal
For the past six weeks, I embarked on a design challenge, the One Room Challenge, to makeover one space in my home. I was able to join as a guest participant and decided to tackle my master bedroom. Each week, I shared updates here on the blog of my progress. Some weeks, I progressed a […]
DIY:Wine Tasting Card
Summer is right around the corner and I am so ready! It took forever for spring to arrive and I’ve been soaking up all the sun lately. I have a funny feeling that this summer will be one to remember! How about you? Summers are super hot in Louisiana so it’s no surprise that one […]
DIY: Faux Shiplap
Fallen in love with shiplap – the one that Joanna Gaines made popular? Or are you tired of hearing about shiplap? Either way – I love it! I even convinced “B” that we should find a way to incorporate the shiplap look in our home. So far, we’ve done this twice – in the laundry […]
DIY: Dual Purpose Flower Centerpiece + Ice Bucket
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Well, I know spring is here, technically, but it’s definitely been a slow start. It’s still snowing in some places and the weather in the South has been pretty cool too. I’ve been itching to get my hands dirty with a project, anything. Maybe a painting […]
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DIY: Vintage Book Pages Wall Decor
Most home design projects take time to pull together. There is planning, sourcing items, color schemes to coordinate with, and more. Design takes time…normally. However, if you’re under pressure, sometimes you have to make quick decisions to pull a look together. That’s sort of exactly what happened with my vintage book page wall decor project. […]
DIY Vintage Tackle Box Planter
Looking for some spring inspiration? Check out this DIY Vintage Tackle Box Planter! What’s your design style? Traditional, contemporary, or country? My design style could be described as a mix between country and cottage. Incorporating vintage items into my decorating is always necessary. It’s just a part of my style. However, normally, I’m not […]
Chicken Wire Frame
In my efforts to be resourceful, I try to look for creative ways to use what I have to make something useful. Over a year ago, I bought a big antique frame and it sat in my shed for several months. At first, I honestly had no idea what I was going to do with […]
DIY – No Sew Burlap Curtains
Make your very own DIY – No Sew Burlap Curtains! Yep, you! Here’s how. Believe it or not, I’ve been making great use of the burlap sacks I found a few months ago. It seems like my creative juices are flowing and I keep finding very simple, but useful ideas for them. For now, I’m […]